Saturday, September 6, 2008

Holy Smokes!! Has it really been that long since I last updated my blog?!! Sorry about that!

I may not have updated but I have been busy! :c) I just wanted to pop on and post an update to the Online's just around the corner! YAY! Look for more details next week but so that you know - it's closer than you think! ;c)

I have some projects to post but I've got to run to a Downline meeting so those will be posted tomorrow afternoon. I got a new scanner/printer/copier so the colors on the images look more like what they actually are. I will never purchase another Epson product again - that last scanner/printer/copier was the 2nd product I purchased from them and my last! The one I returned is obviously so bad that Best Buy has it marked down to $41!!

I'm off - it should take me about an hour to get to my "adopted" upline's house (she's one of the top demonstrators with SU! so I'm super excited that she was willing to "adopt" me into her downline!!). If I get home in time, I'll try to post some of the projects I've been working on & tell y'all what in the world has been going on around here. :c)

Until then....What's been happening with y'all? Leave me a comment and let me know.

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